Monday, August 01, 2005

Bringing the book to life...

I've had a lovely, quite wild weekend. But, in the midst of it (albeit more by coincidence than by intention) I found myself doing things jitterbug-perfume-inspired...

1. When I was very very drunk, I decided to practise circular breathing, like Alobar and Kudra. It made me dizzy though so I stopped. But I think if I'd been sober it would have been more effective.
2. In the salbriuous environs of London's worst nightclub, I think I remember doing a version of the jitterbug which would have put Morgenstern to shame. It would have also put me to shame, was I not surrounded by unattractive, sweaty sloanes, who still danced worse than me.
3. My Saturday hangover was cured by a very hot bath. My Sunday hangover took more than merely a bath to kill, but I definitely came out younger. The fact that the hangover had previously rendered me looking/feeling about 250 years old may be the reason behind this though.

What have you all done Jitterbug-perfumey? And how were your weekends? Best to communicate by blog today as I've almost totally lost my voice. But still - I'm not too bothered about that. Life's too short (or is it?) - erleichda!


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