Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Jitterbug Schmitterbug

Sorry I took ages to log my thoughts on this book - to be honest I just really didn't like it and didn't want to put a damper on things after the enthusiastic praise from Jen and Iso. However, in response to accusations of laziness and lack of commitment to the site I hereby offer up my thoughts on Jitterbug Perfume.

To give Jitterbug its due, I concede that the language was beautiful, albeit unnecessarily flowery at times (why use words of one syllable when you can use an almost-appropriate four-syllable word that will make the author sound intelligent, and who cares if the narrative flow - what little of it exists - gets disrupted in the process?), and there was some lovely imagery (and I'm not just saying this, some of the ideas really did make me stop and smile in appreciation). Overall, however, the characters remained purely one-dimensional and I just couldn't get into the story, such as it was. I think if I had read it in my teens I'd have loved this book and would have considered it groundbreakingly original. Now, however, having read reasonably widely, including a few stream-of-consciousness novels written by much more talented authors, I find I require certain basic elements, such as a plot, and characters I can get to know and empathise with, both of which were lacking in this disappointingly jejune effort.

Sorry guys, I just didn't think it was very big, or very clever. I didn't manage to finish it before we met to discuss it and frankly I can't be bothered to wade through the pretentious meanderings to try and finish it now. Ah well!


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